Saving electricity has a direct impact on your account, especially when your annual electricity bills are recorded. Because this can lead to large overpayments. Especially in times of rising electricity prices.

So it’s worth finding some tips that will save your budget! With our information and tips, you can reduce your electricity costs by up to 50% and you will know what to choose from Electric Companies in The US.

1.  Save electricity when you buy equipment

Even when you buy new electrical or household appliances, several things can be done to prevent excessive energy consumption. Energy-saving appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, or televisions can be recognized by the well-known EU efficiency label, which you can find out more about on the jackery.

Devices in grades A to A +++ marked in green are particularly energy-efficient. On the other hand, non-stop devices should be left in the store. Because in standby mode, the electricity is always consumed. On older appliances, it is often worth testing with an electronic measuring device, the so-called wattmeter, which can be borrowed from consumer organizations or energy suppliers.

2.  Energy-efficient lighting saves electricity

It is not for nothing that the light bulb has been banned from the market. It turned much of the energy into heat instead of light. Energy-saving lamps last longer and save electricity, so-called LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are even more efficient. By the way, no one has to worry about the living atmosphere, even with efficient lighting: energy-saving lamps are now available in many different colors.

If you also install lighting rationally, you save even more electricity. Motion detectors are useful in rooms where you only stay for a short time, such as in the hallway, basement, or toilet. Experts are talking here about “presence control”: the light is on only when someone is in the room.

3.  Check your behavior for ways to save electricity

Economical devices and light sources are a prerequisite for saving electricity. Most of all, however, your behavior can save your electricity bill. So you have it in your hands with these tips:

  • Use plugs that can be turned off and turn off the devices completely in the evening or when you are away;
  • Find out about renewable energy;
  • Energy-saving mode saves money with properly equipped devices – if you use it;
  • Timers are a good alternative to devices that are only occasionally used, such as decorative lighting;
  • Rational use of the appliance is a simple way to save a lot of money: do not leave the washing machine or dishwasher running half empty and use the dryer as little as possible;
  • Carefully plan the location of large appliances. The refrigerator next to the stove or the freezer next to the tumble dryer leads to high consumption of electricity;
  • The size of the device and the size of the household must match. A large family needs a different washing machine than a two-person household, and those who eat breakfast alone are better served with a small toaster;

4.  What you need to know about the refrigerator

The refrigerator is one of the biggest energy consumers in the house. As it is in continuous operation, it is especially useful to replace an old device with a new one with a high energy efficiency class. It should also be in a cool, shady place so that it does not have to cool down against the air in the room. If you do not overfill your device and defrost it regularly, you will save extra electricity and money.

5.  Green electricity

To protect the climate, switching to green electricity is also a great thing. Nothing changes in the electricity coming out of the socket. In production, however. Renewable energies are used. And best of all, green electricity is not necessarily more expensive than conventional electricity! A comparison with green electricity is worth it anyway.