Businesses and individuals are constantly being presented with advice from the government, organisations, and scientists, as COVID-19 continues to inflict one blow after another as it spread across the globe. Whilst areas of advice provided change as time goes by, there is one factor that has remained constant form the start; hygiene protocols need to be in place strictly and stringently. The measures required to keep such practices will include covid deep cleaning more and more as time goes by. The priority for any business owner should always be the health and wellbeing of their staff. Scheduling a deep clean can be a way that employers can stay open while also providing a safe place for employees to work.
What Are The High-Risk Areas Within The Office?
When we are talking about the potential spread of viruses and germs, which spots in the office present the highest risk? In general, these areas are where multiple employees touch the same equipment. Think about the equipment in your office such as phone mouthpieces, computer keyboards and mouses, desks and the list goes on; all spots where germs love to call home. Crossover areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, meeting rooms, and print rooms are also spaces where the risk of contamination is higher. Coronavirus deep clean focus on these key areas. In fact, most of the office layout will fall under one of these key areas. Hence, ensuring that the office is always a hygienic place is vital.
Know What The Virus Looks Like
Being a business owner you have no doubt read about the way coronaries presents. All employees need to be under no uncertain terms that if they show any symptoms they need to self-isolate. Instead of using the umbrella term ‘flu-like’ symptoms, specify the two main symptoms to look out or:
- having a high temperature
- having a new, continuous cough.
What Is Involved In A Deep Office Clean?
All spaces within the office are cleaned at one time when a deep clean is carried out. Regular office cleans tend to prioritise one specific area rather than the overall level of cleanliness. Offices are completely disinfected when a deep clean is carried out. When contamination has been confirmed the speed that a deep clean is carried out is crucial. Ensuring that the methods used to deep clean are fully reliable is also essential.
Consider Electrostatic Deep Cleaning
This method of cleaning involves the spraying of electrostatically charged particles into the designated area to cover all equipment and surfaces. These particles cling to the surfaces as they touch them and provide a more accurate level of sanitation. Compared to traditional cleaning methods, this method is 50{a913e8830785202aa9584ffd0279db01f7dedf83effc82207b87e94894a36006} faster. This means that electrostatic deep cleaning is easier to carry out and requires fewer people to complete the clean. Hence you can expect rates that are reasonable.
When To Schedule A Deep Clean?
If an employee in a certain business has been diagnosed as having COID-19 a business may very well choose to schedule a deep clean. Other businesses may schedule such a clean as a preventative step. If the employees of your business are currently working remotely, this is the ideal time to plan a deep clean. Having the deep clean carried out now means that when the staff return to the office environment the virus contamination risk will not be as high.
What Are Businesses Currently Being Advised To Do?
Closing workplaces is not currently recommended by governments, however, working remotely is still the preferred choice. Hence, staff who are not showing any symptoms now have the option to work form the office, However, a lot of business owners are instructing their staff to continue to work remotely. The nature of the business and the possibilities for remote working within the specific area of work will determine how each business moves forward on this front.
What Can We Expect In The Future?
Coronavirus illnesses could be with us for years to come, according to some experts. Hence workplaces will need to pay more and more attention to hygiene. Ensuring the level of cleanliness is high can go a long way to prevent contamination. The cleaning schedule within the office should include a deep clean at regular intervals. These may very well be planned along with coronavirus risk over the next few years.